- Archangel2222’s Activity
make it smaller I went shopping for tv cabinets and good lord you cant fit it in a compartment for majority of the styles, you have to find a tv small enough to put it on the tv stand itself instead ...
Time will only tell. Holding out for a couple years for both companies libraries to build to see which is best to aim for. Then there is also the user testing to see if we see a return of faulty cons...
Doesnt look next gen to me :( and I know nba 2k games usually look stunning, I remember every console gen leap how different they looked but this game looks the same to me as last year and the year ...
lmao they are just going to lose in court, the artists I mean. 2ksports already went to court for nba2k games and the video games won. Same ruling should apply otherwise itll open up a can of worms f...
why I hate current consoles with small hdd's or ssd's. I dont have a big gaming collection and dont game like a hardcore gamer but I had to get an external usb hdd for my ps4 and backup some games to...
Shills who fork out cash to ea for this cash grab. the game is not innovitve at all, ea needs competition its a monopoly when will they learn to stop funding them. for all the social media posts from...
Love it, love me some south park keep them coming. Im team Butters also hope he gets more air time
@alucardswrath: has any launch window been good for any console? Its ok people will still buy it but I see no point in it. Let the library build and wait for console price dip replay some older gen ga...
Americans will not use tiktok unless they have an american company running things there. meanwhile the rest of the world are going through china. you just cant stop them, the world cant stop them the...
@yugabe: damn kid go to bed with your juice box got your feelings crushed there hot damn did that burn you or what. wet the bed from a post, ok fanboy chill its just a game console relax there is more...
microsoft still cant convince me for a good exclusive for next gen compared to sony. yeah the concept is interesting but its still looks like an indie game and wont be screaming 10/10 reviews. its al...
So mad they bombed terminator. hollywood never gets it and doesnt listen to the fans. they want a future war, dont need arnold anymore just cgi him to send him back in time or get captured and reprog...
Awesome game and was just playing it today oddly before seeing this link. Its too bad it had a great story mode, awesome roster and great stages. Still my fav mk game to date
I wasnt going to hold my breath on backward compatibility. The architecture that sony used each gen was different hence they have to emulate them these days. They cant build it into the current conso...
Nothing to do about the Virus and everything to do with lack of people showing up to present like Sony. e3 is dead now. New medium will be for the companies to release their own streamed events that ...
Its too bad nintendo and sony cant merge and partner up. Can you imagine the game library they can both share and use creatively. Imagine the playstation mascots in smash bros also. Pwaoh good times ...
Orton better win at mania. but its vince and co so wouldnt surprise me they kill off his momentum with a defeat at mania to edge who will surely leave the biz after that 1 match
Thats a win. 2 days is 2 days but I am pumped for this movie. long live the f14
Money always talks. Its why they wont shut travel and borders till the corona virus is tackled but its too late now the world is doomed. Imagine corona was a worse virus than it is it has taken this ...
I cant see the instagram image or video. Says its removed. Article is now pointless
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