Wow. I knew it wasn't doing awesome, but I didn't realize they were ready to sound the death knell before the 6 month mark. The game's not anywhere near a state where its ready to size down on developers.
The majority of humans are still disgusting, uneducated, feral troglodytes dredged from the bottom of the gene pool. Just because modern technology has given them the ability to mass communicate doesn't mean they are deserving of acknowledgement or being treated as anything but animals. Attempting to reason with them will never succeed.
The worst part about this is that this article would never have been written if Telltale's publisher been liberal with its advertising dollars. (See Kane&Lynch scandal).
Why are PC gamers always on some sort of internet jihad to prove the superiority of PCs as a gaming platform? Everyone knows PCs are capable of better graphics, modular controls and output, and nearly exclusive domain over user created content. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with owning or preferring a console for gaming simplicity.
Nobody should be working 80+ hours a week. Don't really care who you are. Also, no one cares if your cousin's friend's stepbrother's dinosaur works 214 hours a week in 212 degree heat shoveling snow off the ocean floor and is doing just fine. It's not a valid reason for people to "suck it up" and work terrible conditions.
When I was in Japan a year ago, the few department stores I visited in Akita prefecture didn't even have 360's or 360 games on their shelves. Now this makes me sad, because I enjoy RPG's in any form, Western or Japanese, and the XBox is the only console really supporting them right now. So I worry if this doesn't work, they will just drop all those Japan studios.
Archias' comments