Hmm. To buy or not to buy? I waited and waited for my green DS lite and have no intention of getting rid of it but if there's gonna be some exclusive DSi games that intergrate the camera I might have to get a DSi too... Also I hear flashcards won't work thanks to the software updates so that's another big minus. Also am I the only one who thinks the DSi is much uglier than the lite?
The lack of decent games still puts me off getting a PSP, as I wouldn't use it for UMD, MP3 or any other none-game related things. I want my games console to do just that - play games, so these extra features are lovely but I'd much rather see some good games!
I'll be getting a Wii on the day it's out. And will also be getting a PS3, but not until it majorly drops it's price. I am not paying THAT much for something I won't use much. I barely use my PS2 as it is. I'm only getting the PS3 for games such as Ape Escape, GTA and the occasional Worms that doesn't get released on the gamecube. I'd never get an Xbox though, ever.
Tacky yet nice looking backgrounds can't save dead beat games. It just intensifies my repulsion towards these horrible games. And the new ones won't make people want to buy it either. Chess, wow. HUGE demand for THAT... Silly Microsoft. As. Per. Usual. Yet I still use it. Damn mother D:
ArfenZard15's comments