How sweet it is....
by Argentius on Comments
Cool! I haven't had any sleep for the past couple days but my new pad is almost set up, as you can see my computer is up and running, solved the LAN problem, completley hooked up!!! now to get back to gaming online! YEEESSS! any way I've got some sweet stuff to look foward too in the near future, and I may soon get a big amount of $$$ to upgrade my computer, I'm thinking a Radeon X800, and a new sound card, perhaps a larger harddrive! dunno, maybe I'll blow all the cash on new games, or one of my projects, like my arcade machine, well it doesn't matter what I spend it on as long as I spend it and have fun doing it! Discovered a semi-old game but found out it was great! STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT: JEDI ACADAMY is a great game, graphics aren't the best but still a great game, imagin KOTOR that is not an RPG and instead third person/first person shooter. online play is killer. plus you follow the story line of luke after the movies. well I really need to sleep, because it is 7:00 am and I haven't slept at all during the past night, (now to activate my copy of Windows Xp, just wiped my hard drive, but I have this copy of windows installed on another I have 30 days to cheat My beloved Microsoft, hey if Windows wasn't sooooo expensive I would love to buy another copy! but I'm not blowing my upgrade cash on another Copy of WINDOWS! my new sound system is great and soon I'll have a music storage device hooked up to my LAN scored it cheep at a FRYZ sale. It is really cool. well, like I said I should either go to bed, or go for a bike ride up a dangerous mountain, I'll probably end up biking, even though I need sleep oh well......:arrow: