@Gelugon_baat: RE2 and Dead Space 1 disagree. And I wouldn't call these kinds of games 'walking simulators', they're more like....hiding under a table simulators. The trick with horror and combat is to (besides making ammo scarce and keeping weapons limited) mix in enemies that you either can't fight, or that are extremely dangerous. The regenerating necromorph, Mr. X, black necromorphs, and lickers, being perfect examples.
@Terrorantula: Of all the things to fault it for, you chose the story? The story is the best part. There doesn't need to be some mind blowing twist at the end, it's a tragedy, watching it play out was 10/10 fantastic. Now the gameplay aspect, is something else entirely. RDR2s gameplay, by itself, is not nearly as fantastic. In fact you could argue it is, at best, 'meh'. Strictly on a gameplay perspective, RDR2 can't even come close to competing with other big 2018 titles (God of War, Spider-Man, Monster Hunter).
It is impressive, but why would anyone want to see this? I feel like the animated version is going to have way more of that unique charm, and it's the exact same story. If they do the songs, just gonna look weird. Photo realistic animals singing and dancing....uncanny valley indeed.
Blizzard is dead to me. I would have preferred they announced nothing at all, at least I could be mildly interested for the WC3 remake. Diablo mobile is just an open palm slap to the face.
Between waiting for the console to come out, and waiting for it to have a handful of games worth buying it for, the PS4 will be 7-10 years old. Unless of course they make it backwards compatible, then it's a day 1 buy for me. But that seems unlikely.
Why can't Nintendo just let go of motion controls? And motion controls that have to be used with an absurdly tiny controller? I have the GC adapter and 4 controllers, just let me use those. Using a single joycon hurts my hands.
@videogameninja: Past couple years have been fantastic. GoW and MHW have already made 2018 an amazing year, and we haven't even gotten to RDR2 or Smash Ultimate yet.
Argle's comments