It's sooo... the same. PS5 doesn't upgrade the experience at all. You guys get excited about 0.000001% change here.
this game will be such a disappointment. For sure this game is overrated. The hype is already going down the drain.
@santinegrete: you understand that cash and what people want are extremely correlated no? Bad = no cash, or at least a hit on long term cashflow.Good = Cash comes in. Simple as that.
@eLite0101: Got your point. Agreed its not 9. But 3? You are even less credible by suggesting such a low score…
however its still a message. They want players to lean slowly their mindset into a GTA6 brand new game. Someday.
@videogameninja: somebody with a remote interest in videogames doesn't care really about GTA or RDR2, and especially not before its release. Just saying. But I agree with you, RDR2 and GTA5 would be direct competition to GTA6
@naruto945: nobody gives the middle finger for free, especially not to the fans. If your hype is based on rumors, thats your problem.
Arguyle's comments