You know he is right. Multiplatforming does dillute game development. Thats the reason many of the Wii port's motion controls feel tacked on and slapshot. Thats the reason why the PS3's tilt thingy really ain't much. Thats why online on 360 isn't as far as it should be even though its on Xbox Live on these multiplatform games... But again that is a capitalist thing 'cause in order tor each the broadest audience and recoup losses you want as broad of a market as you cang et even if it means sacraficing quality. Not that the developers care much about quality in the first place 'cause many a game have been release months early just to make the market before Christmas. Also he is right Pokemon is basically a licence to print cash. Whoever has Pokemon can't loose 'cause its like free money.
I dunno while not much difference it is noticable in the textures and lighting. Wouldn't say there is no difference but there are and DX10 DOES look better...
LOL now I can laugh about when Sony threw its volley when 360 announced it's software emulation and how much they stressed their own backward compatability. My god its just one thing after another almost like an emo kid's cry for attention they just keep slitting their wrists and bleeding their own blood all over the floor.
People said that those Blue-Ray disks have about half the read speed of the Xbox 360's DVD drive and 5 2.6x the capacity... I wonder how it's loadtime will be...
*sigh* Nintendo you dropped the ball. You should have dropped that price point further and made a killing. @ $250 I can no longer support a Wii60. Sure I will still buy one but you have me severly disappointed.
Ariolander's comments