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ArizonaGoddess Blog

My NYC trip...a little late on the entry:P

Alright so here’s my entry for NYC finally(so it’s been a bit more than a month Phazer:P):D!!!

Our first day was a flight from Dallas, TX, then to Newark, NJ, followed by a bus to our hotel(The Grand Hyatt). It was exciting to be there even though it didn't look like the New York I had in mind.We didn’t see too much on the first day but however our hotel was connected with Grand Central Station(you know the place where a scene from X-Men was, where Rogue goes after she runs away?). Well anyway that place!

The second day we went to FAO Schwarz but saw lots of places on the way there. Like Fendi, Prada, Cartier, and others! We also saw many cathedrals, they were very pretty and gothic looking. When we went to FAO Schwarz it was right when it opened, there were two guys dressed up as toy soldiers and when you enter all the employees are lined up clapping for you as you come in, it was a bit awkward but cool:P! Every thing was great there though, ranging from their super-soft-stuffed-animals(I had to get a dalmatian–my favorite dog:D) to their ice cream parlor! Afterwards we saw a bit of Central Park, very nice there but lots of pigeons, I don't like pigeons:?.... But anyways we headed back to our hotel for rehearsal for the concert and it was :shock:five hours, literally! But afterwards I bought some strawberry cheesecake, it was soooo good and creamy+thick!! I loved all of it! Times Square was next and that was amazing! That's when I was finally hit with that I was in New York City. It was awesome there!! And the Toys R Us was three stories high with a Farris wheel inside! We walked down some more on Broadway street and saw all the Broadway posters and theaters!! We didn't get to see a show though so that was kinda a bummer since I wanted to see what the theaters were like on Broadway:( But it’s ok, still had fun with everything else:D

The next day we went to rehearsal but it was only three hours long(w00t) then to the Statue of Liberty!!! Lots of interesting facts there, like the torch was replaced since water had leaked through the windows of the torch and was eroding the inside. The view we had was so beautiful:D since we had access to the pedestal of the base of the statue. Oh and we took a subway home, btw those smell really horrible:?

Monday, the third day we went to FAO Schwarz again since the first time people were too lazy to go last time because they didn't want to get up early:roll:. They would rather sleep in than go around NYC:shock:! Why sleep in while you're in NYC, one of the livest cities?! However seeing Central Park the second time is great since it’s enormous and has lots to see there....I wish I could’ve gone running there:P We got to see more of Central Park as well! Remember Balto, the cartoon? Well we saw the his statue there, not the cartoon but the one that actually existed and saved the children's lives that were sick in 1925. We walked back and got ready for our dress rehearsal at Carnegie Hall, the soloists were good...except the soprano. And when you go on Carnegie’s such an amazing and powerful feeling, just to think that even the greatest muscicians didn’t get to perform there while we did. Judy Garland even performed there! I couldn't believe I was actually was so amazing to be there... I was savoring every bit I up on the stage. After the concert we went on a yacht and partied until 1:30(lol that was great!) and NYC was still as busy!

Not much happpened the next day just some shopping then we flew back home and that ended my stay in New York City, I would love to live there even though it was a bit dirty but it's lovely there.

Ooh and an update, I’ve just been seeing movies lately with friends and working. Today I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and it rocked!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the third one, I wish they would hurry up and come out with it:P Then next week I start my theatre classes with the U of A, that’ll be a blast!!! But other than that, that’s all...oh wow and lol I forgot....July 1st was my birthday 17 now:D Ooh and I think Italy will beat France, what about you guys? Hope you all are doing well:)

I need some more entries >_>

Yeah I'm kinda tired of seeing the entry before my latest was one for Christmas, so I think I'll try to do a bit more:P But anyways update on life!

K, so I'm out of school, got out last week on Thursday, the 25:D! Its always sad to see the Seniors go away:cries: But I did get to see my Seniors friends at graduation parties so that was nice:) OMGoodness:shock: I have only two years left of high school, that'll probably go by soooo fast!!

Speaking of fast, track was a great season:D! And met a bunch of people...I'm thinking of doing cross-country since it was so fun:D So many girls dropped out though, they barely had to run and didn't like it:roll: The practice for the girls was too easy IMO:P so I started training with the guys:lol: It was a bit tougher but I liked it! Gave me more of a challenge;) Plus I got to spend some more time with a certain someone:lol:

So what else with school this year ? Hmm I scored the lead role in my school's play(well one of them we do a couple) in my drama class;) The play wasn't that interesting but I was still happy I got a lead, maybe if I get another one next year it'll be a better play:P. We'll also be getting a new drama teacher which is too bad:( I'll miss our old one. But I'm open for change:) But since I'm still on the topic, I was accepted into the U of A's summer arts program!:D We just learn about theatre along with dance and vocals and at the end we put a musical on:D It starts early July and ends August 10...or around there:? But I'm waiting for that! I'll get some more info later...

Ooh and for the last choir concert I tried out for two solos and got them both:D! Well one doesn't really count since it's kinda a comedic song:lol:, The First Day of Choir! And then I had my own solo, I sung Think of Me by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It was so awesome, I received a standing ovation:D:D:D!!  I couldn't believe it, this was definitely one of my highlights this year:)

:DAnd finally but certainly not least, my New York City trip! Four days !! That is before we go! I used to have the schedule of the places we were going, I'll try to make an entry before I go to tell you the places;) We're going to have so much fun but I still need to pack:shock: and I saw that it might rain while I'm there:(...that certainly ruined the wardrobe I had in mind:|:P Oh well I'll bring a few outfits for each day:lol:! I know I want to bring a sun-hat I have though;) Well good night! I have rehearsal and stuff later so talk to you guys later!!

♥ Natalie

Running, singing, Japan, and gaming!

Yes I finally made a "normal" entry:P So what's been going on with me?

Well as I had mentioned earlier I have started track. Actually the first Monday of February. It's going great so far:D The first day I did practice with the sprinters and the second day I did it with the distance wow the most I had run straight was 2miles, heh we ran seven miles:P But I'm used to it now after three weeks:D I switch on and off between the two. I was bummed we didn't have practice Friday and Thursday, more so Friday since we started this thing since the first week by running to Subway(5mi all together) before practice (since we get out an hour early on Firdays) then we go to practice after that! But I didn't get to do it yesterday:(, guess I'll just run harder Monday:P At least we have an invitational to go to San Diego, so that'll be awesome:D lol it's kinda lame at practice though since most the girls will sit and watch the guys, I'm one of the few that run, why join track if you aren't going to do practice:| Oh well at least I know I'll do well when the meets come around:P

The date is approaching to sing at Carnegie Hall:D I bet New York will be so awesome:D:D But the choir director has yet to give us our practice CDs, the music is a bit difficult:?. It was written by Mozart. They're having this huge mass at Carnegie Hall to celebrate Mozart's 250th birthday. Have any of you been to New York before? What was it like? Did you ever see Carnegie Hall there??

Ooh and choir is going along nicely as well:D On Valentine's Day we did singing-grams, :lol: it was fun to see the peron's face when they realized the gram was for them:P Anyways the group I was in sung "L.O.V.E." by Nat King Cole. Lol I guess a lot of people never knew I could sing, lol got compliments on my outfit and voice:P It was fun though:P I tried out for "Please, Mr. Postman" by the Marvelletes and made alternate, kinda suprised me since I messed up a bunch:P I'm glad my friend Kylah got the solo though, it fit her voice perfect! I also made the alternate soloist for "It's My Party" by Lesley Gore....but it's weird since I didn't even try out for it:? Must've been a mistake or something.....But there is a solo I would like to get, it's another language, a mixture of Hebrew and Spanish, it's very pretty! It's more of a classical piece but is composed very nicely:) But I have a friend who wants it badly as well, I'm sure she'll make it since I can't even say the title:lol:

Now about my whole thing about wanting to be a foreign exchange student.... I would like to go next year during the summer-time so I won't miss out on any school-time over here. Since not all programs transfer school credits so that is my reasoning for wanting to go during the summer-time. I would prefer going to Japan, but if I don't I would want my alternate to be Italy, I do hope if I were to be one I would get to go to Japan:) But we'll see!

Oooh and guess what?? I'm an actress:D I auditioned at a theater to be in a musical they were going to be showing and made it in:D It's interesting working with people of all ages, I think I would like to continue working with the theater, they said they would like me to come back though, so yay for that:D It wouldn't be so tiring if I wasn't in track but I guess doing the running then going to rehearsal does take a lot out of you:P We have our shows this weekend, and the ones we had last week went smooth, but yesterday's was alright:P Just try harder I guess;)

Speaking of which, I had been playing Dance Dance Revolution Extreme a lot and have gotten tons better at it now:P I no longer look like a silly person.....well as much as a silly person:P Karaoke Revolution is another one I've been playing a lot lately....well before February anyways. I've been wanting to replay the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time over, maybe since Twilight Princess is coming out:??? Oh well:P

Well that's about it for now, hope everything is going good with all of you:D

<3 Natalie

A Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas!!

Well wanted to get that out first since afterall, it is  Christmas;) Hope everyone's was great:D Mine was relatively good:) Didn't get many games this year since my mom said no but my dad managed to get some;):P

So yeah it's been a LONG time since I last used my journal. Funny, how I thought in my other entry that two weeks was a long time before making another entry:P :lol:Now it's Four months now:| Wow kinda too long. I'll just make a short one! :lol:So nope it won't be a 1000 word entry, bummer huh:P 

But before I say any more, I would like to thank Hstorm for making this awesome banner for me, first one ever:D Oh and if you didn't know, he also made my sig a while back, you know the green one with the DOA4 character on don't worry I'll show it to you if you have no idea what I'm talking about:P But anyways I love them both, the banner is the newer gift from him to me, isn't it awesome;)?? I love every bit of it! Ooh and both are Asian-themed, so woohoo for that:D Thanks again Hstorm:D

Anyways when I make another entry, I'll talk more about the stuff going on:P Not really too much. Oh and I'll be starting track next year(w00t:D), going to New York to sing at Carnegie Hall, and I may become a foreign exchange student. As promised a short entry;)(for me anyways:P), I'll make a longer one another my older sister is grumpy now and will say she can't get any sleep so I gotta keep this short:P:roll: So good night and I hope you all hd a nice Christmas:)

About Time Natalie!

Yeah I know it's been a while since I did another entry but anyways here's what has been going on....

Ok so as you know by now I already started school, like two weeks ago. Now first week was a little slow and suprisingly boring but still nice since I got to see all my friends again! But the first day I had only one problem: picking out what to wear for the first day. I'm all like oh that's easy, I have all these new clothes to wear....Pfft yeah right! So while looking through all the skirts, I guess I sorta forgot to get lots of new shirts with the skirts/pants/shorts:roll:. Sure I did get some only they were for the fall and you do not wear fall clothes in August! I couldn't wear my pants(which would've matched with some of the shirts just yet since I had to get them altered because I'm short and they make all these pants long:P. Anyways I did find an outfit eventually so that was very good. But it kinda sucks to know I went through all that trouble only to find everyone wore old clothes on the first day:lol:

Anyways I saw all my friends and we talked about our summer and I even got to see my friend who was in Korea, I was happy to see him:) Now about my classes, all them of them rock but at first I didn't like my art class too much. It was filled with lots of untalkactive Freshman(why couldn't it be the talkactive ones?) and people who kinda didn't like the way I look. :lol:I think I looked too girly for them:P But I did make some friends in the class so that was good but this one girl always stares at my shoes for some reason, it's not that odd to wear high heels but then again my school is sorta in the country where it's in the middle of no where(honestly why would you build a school in the middle of no where?!). So that could be why:?

After that, I found out that auditions for A Mid Summer Night's Dream would be the second week of school!! And this time, you don't have to be in Advance Drama:D I was so excited and still am actually. I didn't get the part I wanted but I'm still a character and get to say a lot of scenes at one part! I am Philostrate, just a minor character but still it's so cool!! I got a part in the advance drama play! The girl who got the role I wanted is in Advance drama and I know she'll be good for it so I'm happy about that:) LOL but then again I am easily pleased:P Only they'll be a twist, it's taking place in the 60s:? I'm not exactly happy but it is different so I'm willing to try it out:D Then for my Intermediate drama play, we'll be doing a show for the children. I think every elementary comes, but just second and first. There are a lot of kids but they're so cute:)

Lets see I know more than that happened.....oh I got my braces off so I am now metal free...unless you want to count the retainers but whatever:P It fels a bit odd though and I've been dying to eat a carmel apple, I would get tired of walking in the mall and see them in the food court but now I can eat them:D Oh and corn from the cob too!! Oh what else? Well after that I went to a vintage store and bought some things. This really pretty green dress from the 50s, it even came with a little jacket! Then a black chiffon skirt, a pearl brooch, and a black hat from the 40s. Oh and how could I forget, a gold colored, oriental skirt. LOL, sorry but I love clothes so I just had to tell you:P

Oh I guess I lost my Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories game so that sorta sucks, especially since I was almost done with it. But I'm pretty sure I know basically what happens. I also haven't played much of FFVII because my brothers have been playing their games, but I was able to snag it from them;) I'm also not too bad at Dance Dance Revolution anymore:P I also would like to play some series that people keep talking about: DMC, MGS, and RE. Next time we rent some games I'll be sure to try them out:D

Well that's it for now:D

School, taking a break, and art....

Hey, so I've have so many things I want to write but I don't think I'll write all of them because it may be way too long so....

My goodness school will start in nine days!!! Can you believe it I still have so many things to do! I need to get my hair cut, my clothes picked out for the first day and lots of other things! By the way, here's my classes....

IntermediateTheatre Arts(I tried out and made it)
Intermediate Choir(we get to go to competitions)
CP Honors Composition
CP Honors Marine Biology
CP Geometry
Honor World Studies/Geography(which needs to be changed since I took in Saturday school)

Ok I'm looking forward to all my classes except CP Geometry because I don't like math but then again I want to be in Stage Craft for drama also so it may help me out because it's so fun building sets!!! Anyways I need to change my world studies class since I took it over in Saturday school, so boring but hey at least I got an A in it! So I was thinking either Culinary or Art? I love art and doing art projects that was always one of my favorite subjects in elementary(P.E. the other). I mean I get to do mosaic, drawings, a little bit of ceramics, everything in that art class so it would be fun! But I enjoy cooking also and it's a necessity. I would get to learn to cook very good things so it could be useful for dates;) I don't know which to pick, what would you pick? I was going to take another choir class but didn't really like the fact that I was taking two choir classes so I'm going with either Culinary or Art!

Ok so for the past two weeks or so I have gone shopping for clothes. My objective was to buy more pair of pants then the ones I had already(6) and bought only two. Now skirts on the other had, I had 20 already and now have 27:P LOL, what can I say, I love skirts:P I also bought some new pairs of shoes, including a pair of running shoes, finally! So now I can running all I want with better shoes:D:D:D:D

I also bought two Harry Potter books when I was at the mall: The Prisoner of Azkaban(Finally) and the Half-Blooded Prince.
I just decided to get Book 3 or otherwise I'm never going to read the other ones so I just bought it:P Half-Blooded Prince was for my older sister, which I'll read after I read the two before it:P

I believe there might've been something else but I don't know....oh yeah now I remember! So of course I'll be doing the play for drama, staying after school and everything but I wanted to do a sport or something else as well. So, either dance, cross-country or karate! Dance would be very useful to me in the career I want, C.C. because I love running, and karate because that would just be cool! But maybe I'll take dance so I can get better at that and therefore score some lead roles:D Yeah I think I'll take dance because I suppose I can always run on my own(even though it is nice to get medals) and karate I can do anytime in my dance it is:D

Now guess what, I have another new coworker!! Well actually he's been here for about a month I just didn't get to work with him. Anyways he came back from Vegas for basketball and guess what he's on varsitry team!! He's nice so far and is pretty cute too:oops: LOL, not too many girls get hired but a lot of guys so I don't mind working all day, plus you even get the cute customers;)

So my dad bought us a new PS2(the smaller one) so now I can play FFVII and have another thing to talk about with Phazer! I have been playing my 64 quite a bit though, it's so much fun and I never realized how bad the graphics were for Mario 64:? Bu it's still one of my favorites:D While speaking of games, I went swimming the other day with my brother and sisters in our pool and we were having a competition of who could do the best trick and LOL, I came in second:P That was a nice day:)

Oh and Hstorm and I made a drawing one day on yahoo IM, he used a paint program on it afterwards, what do you think:P I'm the girl and Hstorm is the shark:D

This is my very last thing to say because I know this is very long so this paragraph won't be too long...Anyways I feel as though I've been on the computer too much and feel the need that I should take some time off from GS for a couple of days. Even my family says I'm on too much so I'll be taking a break but don't worry I'll be back;) See you guys in a bit:D

Halo 2, the movies and 1000 post!

So today was nice, I spent some time with my family we went to the movies and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(Not Batman Begins) and actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Though the popcorn sucked and made me sick so now I've had this stomachache since I left the theaters. I never really liked popcorn at the theaters anyways, so why do I eat it then?

Now I played Halo 2 finally, it had been a while since I played, a little more than half a year so as you can imagine I sorta sucked at it, big time! LOL my brothers beat me so bad in team slayer it wasn't even funnny! Anyways I'll get better then kick their butts:D But I was still shocked I was so horrible at it, lol guess that's what happens when you don't play Halo 2 for a while:?

Also I have a little over a 1000 posts so yay! LOL took me long enough:P I will soon level up to whatever is on level 10! This is pretty short maybe because I'm sorta tired*shrugs*Who knows well goodnight and I'll make a better entry tomorrow or something.....and before I forget, I still can't view my PMs and journal comments on my computer, instead I need to go on my brothers' all the time but it's even since I'm letting him play one of my games, well goodnight!

Guess who's back!

Hey guys!! So how have things been? Good? Hope so! Anyways my trip to California was good but I guess my dad didn't bring his camera so I won't be able to show you guys pictures. Another bummer was they didn't alow any flash photography in the Egyptian exhibit, I even had to give up my camera phone:cry: Anyways, I'll try not to make this too long!
So lets see....One of the the first things we did was go to the Egyptian exhibit, which was soo cool!! They had so many things and I learned a few things myself as well! They didn't have King Tut's(the main idea of the Exhibit) sarcophagus, but they had Tjuya's(his great grand-mother), it was so large and beautiful, the same with her funeral mask! I'm also sorry to say I was oblivious to the fact that the Book of the Dead exsisted, I had thought it was only some fictional item from The Mummy :P They didn't have it but refered to it quite a bit on other artifacts! I'm very grateful I was able to see it and it runs into November so if you still want to see it!

Now this will be the paragraph people that post in my journal will be less interested in but I'm going to post this anyways! I went to Nordstrom and picked up a cute, black 50s themed dress! It was one of those halter types and it had cherries! Another thing I got were a nice pair of black high-heels I can wear with my cheongsam that I got for my birthday!!! Other than that they didn't have much at the mall:(

The musical Guys and Dolls was alright not the best but it was ok. I prefer Thoroughly Modern Millie though, better storyline, more believeable but Guys and Dolls had some interesting characters....But I still would recommend Thoroughly Modern Millie!!

I went on a boat and suprisingly didn't get sea-sick! We had some lunch, it was nice because I was able to catch up with my favorite aunt!!!! Another place I went was the nature center, I saw a squirrel for the first time ever in my life! You know you think I would see one with me going to all these camps with my church:| Anyways, it was so cute!

Now I was suppose to go to a Japanese museum but wasn't able to because of ......complications. So I suppose I'll just go next time I come out there.

Anyways I really, really need to work on not talking so much, like RPG-er and Soul said:P

I'm off to the Golden State!

So as you all know from my last post, I will be going to California and as it turns out we will go earlier!! Tomorrow at 5:00p.m.! We were scheduled to leave at 4:30 Thursday morning but for some reason, we decided to change the date :?
Anyways I'll miss you all and plan on telling everyone about my trip:D I'll only be gone for a week and a half so it shouldn't be that long. Anyways some of the things I'll be doing is seeing an Egyptian exhibit, going to a Japanese museum, and watch the musical Guys and Dolls!! It's going to be so awesome and I can't wait!! Well see you all later and I'll miss you when I'm away;) In the mean-time, Hello California:D:D

P.S.: And I'll try to take pictures and post them here!!!

My birthday and Strawberry Cheesecake!!!

As some of you may know (Phazer, HStorm, Matcoke), it's my 16 birthday today!!! Though I'm not really celebrating it today since I'm going to two of my friends' b-day today. I did however have a good birthday lunch! I can't wait until Sunday when I'll have my birthday dinner! Anyways, I love my friend more than I already did since last night she came and brought . . . .STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE!!! Not blueberry, not cherry, but strawberry. It's the best! Well I won't be back until Sunday so see you guys then and don't have too much fun without me:wink:

Oh and I would like to take the time to tell Raven again . . .


Just incase some people didn't know, but actually her b-day was on Wednesday, so Happy Belated Birthday!!, and happy birthday/belated birthday to anyone else whose birthday is coming up! Well later everyone!!!!

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