Alright so here’s my entry for NYC finally(so it’s been a bit more than a month Phazer:P):D!!!
Our first day was a flight from Dallas, TX, then to Newark, NJ, followed by a bus to our hotel(The Grand Hyatt). It was exciting to be there even though it didn't look like the New York I had in mind.We didn’t see too much on the first day but however our hotel was connected with Grand Central Station(you know the place where a scene from X-Men was, where Rogue goes after she runs away?). Well anyway that place!
The second day we went to FAO Schwarz but saw lots of places on the way there. Like Fendi, Prada, Cartier, and others! We also saw many cathedrals, they were very pretty and gothic looking. When we went to FAO Schwarz it was right when it opened, there were two guys dressed up as toy soldiers and when you enter all the employees are lined up clapping for you as you come in, it was a bit awkward but cool:P! Every thing was great there though, ranging from their super-soft-stuffed-animals(I had to get a dalmatian–my favorite dog:D) to their ice cream parlor! Afterwards we saw a bit of Central Park, very nice there but lots of pigeons, I don't like pigeons:?.... But anyways we headed back to our hotel for rehearsal for the concert and it was :shock:five hours, literally! But afterwards I bought some strawberry cheesecake, it was soooo good and creamy+thick!! I loved all of it! Times Square was next and that was amazing! That's when I was finally hit with that I was in New York City. It was awesome there!! And the Toys R Us was three stories high with a Farris wheel inside! We walked down some more on Broadway street and saw all the Broadway posters and theaters!! We didn't get to see a show though so that was kinda a bummer since I wanted to see what the theaters were like on Broadway:( But it’s ok, still had fun with everything else:D
The next day we went to rehearsal but it was only three hours long(w00t) then to the Statue of Liberty!!! Lots of interesting facts there, like the torch was replaced since water had leaked through the windows of the torch and was eroding the inside. The view we had was so beautiful:D since we had access to the pedestal of the base of the statue. Oh and we took a subway home, btw those smell really horrible:?
Monday, the third day we went to FAO Schwarz again since the first time people were too lazy to go last time because they didn't want to get up early:roll:. They would rather sleep in than go around NYC:shock:! Why sleep in while you're in NYC, one of the livest cities?! However seeing Central Park the second time is great since it’s enormous and has lots to see there....I wish I could’ve gone running there:P We got to see more of Central Park as well! Remember Balto, the cartoon? Well we saw the his statue there, not the cartoon but the one that actually existed and saved the children's lives that were sick in 1925. We walked back and got ready for our dress rehearsal at Carnegie Hall, the soloists were good...except the soprano. And when you go on Carnegie’s such an amazing and powerful feeling, just to think that even the greatest muscicians didn’t get to perform there while we did. Judy Garland even performed there! I couldn't believe I was actually was so amazing to be there... I was savoring every bit I up on the stage. After the concert we went on a yacht and partied until 1:30(lol that was great!) and NYC was still as busy!
Not much happpened the next day just some shopping then we flew back home and that ended my stay in New York City, I would love to live there even though it was a bit dirty but it's lovely there.
Ooh and an update, I’ve just been seeing movies lately with friends and working. Today I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and it rocked!!!!!! I can’t wait to see the third one, I wish they would hurry up and come out with it:P Then next week I start my theatre classes with the U of A, that’ll be a blast!!! But other than that, that’s all...oh wow and lol I forgot....July 1st was my birthday 17 now:D Ooh and I think Italy will beat France, what about you guys? Hope you all are doing well:)
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