Husband and I came to a conslusion this weekend - we are eating out ENTIRELY too much, and it's seriously eating into our funds. So, we've resolved to stop eating out so often and limit it to once per week. Which is still a luxury, lots of people can't afford to do that. I feel pretty bad. We're trying to save up for a house, and it's usually me that's asking to be taken out. In my defense, we have seperate accounts, and so unless he fills me in I've no idea what his finances look like.
Another problem - usually crockpots are wonderful for people who work, but it is possible to over-crock something. Assuming I put something in the crockpot at 7:30 before I leave for work and Cliff's not ready to eat until 9pm (not an uncommon occurrence - sometimes he doesn't get home until then) I've got a disentegrated dish. I think I may look for a crockpot with a 'warm' setting.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a good holiday, and here's to a more frugal new year (for my family, anyway :))