@Ravenlore_basic Yeah you're right, sucks though. I love my xbox 360 but it's a bummer that Miicrosoft will do anything for more money. Read an article that they will sell the xbox for 99$ if people pay 15$ per month for xbox live for 2 years! that's crazy expensive!
BluRay would be a nice touch and free games for those who have a gold membership. (like the playstation plus members who always gets free games.) I would also like to see them lower the prices of the video games that you can download because some of the games (even the OLD ones) are over priced. Hopefully they do not ban used games or else they just lost a customer. I really do hope xbox 720 or wtv it will be called becomes the "Must Have Console" if not my money goes to the Wii U.
Arkay_B's comments