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Fan Fiction Ideas [Help]

These are some plot bunnies that I've had in my mind for a while and I want to know if anyone out there might be interested in reading them.
Idea 1: Kaiba's been working too hard lately so once when he gets home from work one evining, fruit talk to him.
Idea 2: Kaiba is forced to take a camping trip with Yugi, Anzu (Ah! I think I might kill her in the story if I make this), Joey, and Tristan.
Idea 3: What happens when I follow Seto everywhere?
Those aren't really specific, but give me ideas if you may want to read them.

P.S. It was raining (yesssss) practically all day, which cooled things down a bit, which is good. I was just jumping in puddles and I think I destoyed some of my grass....