Tired of people questioning my Veteran status!
by Army_Veteran on Comments
There has been sevral occasions where somebody has questioned my Veteran status on this site. The other day this punk kid tried to say I was some 12 year old kid who lived in a fantasy life and that I was never in the military. Then he tried to make me out to be some warmanger, What a punk. He also was stating how Nam was a boring war, and nothing really big happen during the time the war was going on. Said he read all of that in a book. WHat a dumb ass punk. I looked at his profile he is some fat snot nose 18 year old kid. Still fresh off of his momas tit. But I do get tired of this. I was in the United States Army Infantry from Sept. 1997 to Jan. 2005. I was in the 25th infantry where I was a machine gunner, riffleman, Grenader gunner, Saw gunner, Team leader and Squad leader. I made my SSG in 5 years, and had earned 12 diffrent medails and ribbion in the 25th. I was there from 97-03. I also eaned my EIB and AA wings, was deployed to Japan 2 times, Austrillia once, Bosnia once, and state side trainning. I went to Ft Benning GA. I was an instructor there from 03 to 05. I was then Medically discharged in 05. So for all these little kids on this site who want to question my status, why don't you go try and do the stuff that I have done!