As this is my first blog entry i will start it off slow and just talk about myself. My likes and dis-likes and things along those lines.First off i will talk about the gaming as this is a website dedicated to it. I have been playing since the days of the PS1 and N64. I have a PS1, N64,PS2,PC,GC,360 and i plan on getting a Wii and perhaps a PS3. My favorite games are of a new genration of gaming and include Oblivion,Gears of War,GRAW2 and taking it back a few years God of War,MGS3,GTA III,Perfect Dark,Golden eye,Meroid Prime,Fable and The Sims.i am from Ireland,Dublin.Im into indie mostly when it comes to music. I like The Killers,Snowpatrol,Razorlight,Steriophonics,Coldplay and Keane and lots of small irish bands that many people might not of heard of. I don't like most rap but Slim shady is amazing and Kanye West is good too. When it comes to telvision i watch 24 religiously,Scrubs is a great program but if you want to laugh your head off a good episode of the office is all it takes. I also follow south park and although it may appear childish and racist it well childish and racist but still REALLY funny.
As for the cinema All i need is Borat
Thanks for reading