It definetly is. It is brilliant.Well, yeah. I got 4 new maps for BC2 for free, and that made me want to play the game again for about 2 hours.. I wouldn't even think about getting 4 maps for 15 bucks. Unless I didn't care about money. I'm currently thinking about getting the Vietnam expansion for BC2, which costs less than 15 bucks and is a whole lot more than just 4 new maps. Still not sure if it's worth it, though..
ArsenalFTL's forum posts
I havemainly a gaming PC and PS3. I also have a PSP and DS. I used to have a 360 but RROD killed it.
Yeah it is a real shame Crysis 2 will be held back by being put on consoles.
umm, boohoo? seriously, thats rather petty.
How is it petty? It is being held back because they are having to develop for consoles and so have to deal with console limitations, thus adversely affecting the PC version. I've already seen a great PC franchise (COD) ruined by consoles, I don't want to see anymore.Absolutely not. I stopped after MW2. There is no support from developers, overpriced DLC, casual twitch shooter gameplay with no teamwork as well as the P2P lag. How can you sleep at night giving Bobby Kottik money? If COD gamers would open their eyes to new FPS's they would benefit greatly. Besides, Battlefield 3, KZ3, R2 and Homefront all look great.
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