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#1 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

CoD fanboys are the best. In addition to thinking that more than 3 bullets in YOUR LEG should be a kill, the complain about no kill streaks, maps being too big on BFBC2. It`s hilarious seeing them trying to snipe in BFBC2, not only do they sit far, far back, they think just because the bullet has drop (GRAVITY) and they bullet doesn`t pierce the skull RIGHT AWAY as if by teleportation, it`s unrealistic :? But then I guess these are the same guys, who pay $60 every year for the same game and in addition to that, spend around $30 paying for maps for a game that they won`t be playing next year93soccer

Some people like both games. they offer slightly different things. For me, CoD is more arcade. BFBC2 is more tactical. Both are played slightly differently, and both can be enjoyed just as much :P

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#2 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

Mine does that sometimes, with wired and wireless controller. Dunno why.

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#3 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

Megan Fox.

What? My Shep was female.

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#4 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

I tend to run and gun and dive for cover when needed. I have no patience to sit and wait. And I'm not really quick enough to snipe people running around.

Personally, if you're sniping and moving from spot to spot, and helping the team win, then it's all good. If everybody is sniping in a capture the flag, or domination, or headquarters game where you have to have people on the ground running...then sniping is probably a poor choice.

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#5 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

I'm a huge cod4 fanboy (my favorite game of all time) and I agree that there isn't much skill involved. Just be in the right place at the right time and you win.


I personally think the skill part comes into play when you know WHERE to be at the right time to get the kills. Any fool can run around the map like a headless chicken and get a pretty terrible K/D ratio (like I tend to do), and any fool can sit in a corner and camp and get a much better K/D ratio. Neither of those two things really take skill - it takes reaction time.

Knowing which routes to take, and knowing exactly where the enemy might be - now that is a skill of foresight that I don't possess. Still, I enjoy playing whatever my K/D :p

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#6 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

Meh, play the way you want to play. You paid your money for the game, enjoy it however you like :)

Personally I don't think sniping from one spot (or moving from spot to spot) is quite the same as people lurking in corners or in grass waiting for enemy players to pass. Just sitting and waiting is what I would call camping and it IS rather annoying/cheap. But, like I said, people are allowed to play however they like.

I may end up with a terrible K/D ratio at the end of most games, but I couldn't just sit there pretending to be a lamp and camp, and wait, and *yawn* spring out on people who pass by. I'd get completely bored and angry with myself if I played that way. So I run around, do a bit of sniping from afar now and then, and use cover without sitting in the one place long enough to get agitated.

Everybody should be allowed to play how they like, though. As long as they're not outright cheating :)

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#7 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts
Can't beat a bit of UNO ^^
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#8 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

Most of the girls I know (friends, and friends of friends) enjoy gaming to some degree. Sure, not all of them are into FPS or gaming online, but a LOT of them are. They play everything from WoW to MW2, Lego games to those scary survival horror games that personally make me run behind the sofa.

I think most boy-gamers would be quite surprised at how many girls are online playing beside them - but most of us choose not to speak or draw attention to our gender. The problem is, if you're beating a group of guys, or they feel overly aggressive and douchey, the first thing they're going to do is hurl gender specific abuse at you if you're a girl. It's as if they think it's just fine to do that online. I'd love to know if they call girls in their real-lives things they say online.

Here's a good example - in the following link a 'girl gamer' has abuse hurled at her because she's showing up a bunch of cheaters. Some of the sexist, misogynistic things these little kids say (in this and her other vids) is quite worrying. --

No wonder most of us female gamers choose to stay quiet.

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#9 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

The use of 'leet speak' in tags just bores me to tears. I mean seriously, find some originality, please :p

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#10 ArtemisAnimus
Member since 2009 • 43 Posts

Well I never got MW2 for all the obvious reasons, so my choices for worst are Halo 3 (it puts me off even playing the game. I don't need to hear children making strange noises down the mic as if they're completely retarded and in need of serious long term help). Also, some trash talk on COD4 is rather necessary, but for the most part it's fairly quiet I guess.

As for best? Hmmm, considering I haven't played a huge amount of multiplayer I'd have to say Bad Company 2. The time I've spent on there has been nothing but good.