I never thought Nintendo was for children. I don't know how they ended up being labeled as such. Nintendo is all about family, yes, but that doesn't make them kiddy. Nintendo wants to make games for everybody. It's not that most of thier games are kiddy, I just think that the video game community just has the wrong idea of what adult and mature really means. WHen I think adult and mature, I don't think of blowing the heads off of zombies or being able to "cut dudes in the face". That's not what those words mean to me. An adult should be able to find joy in the more simple things, as well. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Nintendo is rather popular with the adults anyway, with the DS being so huge right now.
But anyway, I really just think we've got the wrong idea about what being an adult really means. Nintendo knows what it's doing. They made the industry what it is today, with its simple pick up and play games, that everybody remembers and loves. Every game isnt supposed to be Metal Gear or God of War, and honestly, I appreciate what Nintendo does. A lot of times, it's a breath of fresh air from all the useless crap that a lot of the other companies are pumping out.
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