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My History of Following World of Warcraft...

Greetings my friends... :) For a number of years I've followed the Warcraft universe starting with the Trading Card Game. I started the MMO about a month ago. I favor the Horde and my primary character is a Blood Elf warlock on the realm of Kel'Thuzad. I have to say I was dissapointed with the graphic quality, but the gameplay and PVP is fantastic. I love the holidays and all the pet you can collect. Like I've said I have followed wow for awile. I also play alot of Warcraft III

warcraft IIISadly I've never purchased the frozen throne. :( Ever since I played through this Arthas has been my favorit wow character. Insted of working forward I worked back to the first Warcraft. They stedily got harder and I've not fineshed any of the Warcraft games accept the 3d. :P I've never been that good at RTS, but I like playing them. I've done a few drawings of Warcraft III. Sadly my drawings of Arthas and Kel'Thuzad were done on my door at the house we moved out of about a year ago. My mom wouldn't let me bring my door to the new house. >:( lol. I still have my drawing of the Illidan, though it's not fineshed being painted. :( I'll post the fineshed pic when I'm done. Here is what it looks like now.

illidanSorry. :( The full pic can be seen at my web site. Back to the MMO I sadly do not have a level 85 but will soon. I also have plenty of other collectables. One of my favorite ones is the Cataclizm collecters edition. :)

wow collectionI love doing dungeons and battle grounds. I hope to play wow for quite awile. Sadly though I am agreeing that I don't want a life. :P Thanks for reading. :)

With all due respect,

Silas Coggeshall.