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I wrote this on my Wii Opera browser :)

ok... so i've been using the channel that so much time took me to get my hands on... for a while now... Something i dont like when writing on forms... as oposed to writing on the Wii itself like messages... is that you cant use those shortcuts that made life alot easier... like B for SHIFT... -> for space...and that stuff that made writin with the wiimote alot easier. As for now my hand is a little tired... but I love using my Wii :D. Im testing out Orb... its great :D!..very nice interface...very much sleeker than that of RedKawa's... but the bad part is that orb was intended to be used miles away from home... so everything goes trough a server...then to your account on the computer you are acessing... wich things somewhat slow... If we could have all the functionality of orb... as a Home Media Center... where everything is streamed localy...from your PC to the RK Media Center X...that would add veeery much to the expirience. I have to bring up that the Wii alowed me to write everything I didnt put a limit on the number of characters... like on messages... And tgats all for now! Wii + Browser is MAGNIFICENT!