Yeah, as you hear it, this generation will be Sony's end. An expensive ,useless HiDef console, with nothing to it, great for graphics hores, or a cheaper but uglier console, with no HD, or wireless, nothing!!!. How can they claim their console to be HD operational, if their mainstream version cant even support it!!!. Sony is loosing all of their exclusives. Few generations ago, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy meant PlayStation, now you can find them in every console. They have lost Metal Gear, wich can be found on both GC and Xbox. The purple Spyro, Tombraider!, Grand Turismo!,Crash Bandicoot,Even GTA!!! so what are Sony's first party titles?? They are based of 3d party developers!. This are all signs of the inevitable...
PSP hasnt seen a significant growth in sales, wich is not the case of Ds, wich are selling like hotcakes.
Most people use PSPs as a MediaPlayer , not like a Portable Console. UMD movies? Gone...
Sony is constantly telling their contributions to the current Video Game world... what contributions? Nintendo made Video Games!!!!!.
The fact is inovation perdures(And sells) , simply upgrade doesn't!. Nintendo grew as an enterteinment company, Sony apeared simply to make money!, they dont care about game, they care about $Greens$.
Second Chapter Coming Next
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