Finally after a 3 year wait...I got my Wii resting in my living room, and the controllers waiting to be picked up.
Its a great feeling to finally get to touch/hug/kiss/lick...a Wii of my own.
I got an extra Wiimote/Nunchuk and Twilight Princess and Red Steel.
Twilight Princess looks crisp! great detail... The control scheme isn't dont have to be swinging your Wiimote all over the place just to achieve a sword slash.
The pointing on the Wiimote is great....doesn't really require you to hold you arm in the air while you try to move the reticule in the screen, you just move it...its like instinctive.
Red Steel isn't a bad game at all!!! Great graphics...great controll and effects. There are some very pretty light effects...and animations. Enemy AI is great ..well great in the way it was designed. Enemies dont just wait there, and from time to time, come out and shoot you...if you aren't shooting them..they come after you. They know when to get cover and when not.
The way the Wii loads the discs is really just put them in the "mouth" and it sucks it in.
Everything in the Wii is so compact! The console is to tiny...yet so powerful and promising.
Today I might try the get some Updates(Weather, News, Vote...) and to download the Opera browser and some games.
I simply love the Wii!
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