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Asclepius35 Blog

My XBox360 status

Yesterday I finally went back to my local Gamestop and put down the rest of the money for my reservation. Didn't come out to bad actually, I traded back about $80 of games so I only had to pay off $299 with tax for a premium. Then today at work I reserved Kameo, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Project Gothem Racing 3. So the things that I still have to get are: -Another Wireless Controller -Wireless router (So i can also go online with my DS) -More recharable batteries -1yr subscription to Xbox Live So hopefully I'll get all the cash that I'm suppose to get because this is going to set me back a little bit.

Call of Duty 2 Demo Reviewed

OK well I just got done playing the CoD2 demo. Pretty much it was the exact gameplay movie that was from the expo in germany from August. Well let me skip right into it:

Graphics: Well here is a thing that my graphics card can't really portray to well (Radeon 9800 Pro 128 ), so I'm just going to have to say that it'll look much much better on the 360. From all the screens that I've seen I would have to put it up there with one of the best looking launch titles, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Sound: This is topic that many people overlook when it comes to games. The sound for this demo made you feel like you were right there. People yelling orders to you. German's screaming at you when you catch them off guard. Not to mention all the explosions and guns firing all around you. It appears that this game benefit a lot from surround sound, just think an interactive saving private ryan.

Gameplay: This is what can make or break this game. In the demo the controls were just like they were in the original, and I'm assuming they'll have a similar setup for the 360. Not to far off from the standard FPS there, but I don't think I can ever get a handle of the F key for the main command key for some reason. From what I got from this game it's a very faced pace layered game. What I mean by that is you get to a point, and you're held down by enemy fire. Get past them, and you'll find yourself get held down my fire at another point. This might seem repetitive, but they did a great job making everything seem so smooth and never letting up on the amount of bullets flying at you.

Overall I think this is shaping up to be another great game in the CoD franchise. Hopefully the multiplayer will have the same about of action packed into it as the single player did. I think it'll be a must buy for those getting an Xbox 360 this holiday season.


Call Of Duty 2 Demo and why you shouldn't cry over spilt milk

Well I'm currently downloading the CoD2 demo, and will write a mini-review of it whenever it gets done.

Now as for the stupid milk. I just have to have a full glass of milk sitting right on my table and find myself trying to do to much at once, and spill it everywhere. So my keyboard is broke and I've had to pull out the old one (And it's very hard just to switch keyboards like that so I'm not having a fun time). So just remember keep drinks away from all electronic devices. It might sound like common sense, but trust me it happens fast...


More Advent Children Rant...

Ok, well didn't think I would make two continuations to this rant. I mean by now I should've just edited my first post, but I think it's to late for that now. Anyways, what's up with people saying this was an awesome movie? I'm wondering if they've actually played through Finaly Fantasy: VII many times. I mean I'm not saying the story for FFVII was anyting ground breaking, but Advent Children kinda sucked big time. This movie shouldn't be labeled great let alone "awesome" or as someone said "The greatest movie eva!!1!!111"(Or something to that effect.) It was all right, nothing more nothing less. As i've said with so many movies, if the hype wasn't there it wouldn't be that bad, but i guess if the hype wasn't there it wouldn't have been made in the first place (Something that I wouldn't be to sad about). I think people have to start realizing that just because a sequel to something that awesome comes out doesn't mean that the sequel will in tern be awesome. It should, but it doesn't have to. I just wish that SQ-E would've realized that the movie wasn't that good, and they should probably devote more time to it and not just slap something together knowing that no matter how bad it was people would still buy it. I mean that was what they were thining right? They can't honestly believe that this and some crappy NON-RPG SEQUELS TO A FREAKING RPG GAME will warrent the milking of millions of consumer dollars. Again I love FFVII as much as the next gamer, probably more, but I'm not going to blindly support anyting that that's thrown at me with a FFVII name on it. It's just sad when crappy things have to tarnish the great name of something else.



If the new GTA for the PSP gets higher than Castlevania for the DS...I might have to start stabbing jaws. I mean I enjoyed GTA 3 as much as the next person, but come on you can't just make a different city and say it's a brand new game. That's what people call a rehash, and if a rehash out-scores an always great game that Castlevania delivers (well 2d castlevanis anyways) I'm very serious about the jaw stabbing that is going to occur.

Where has my gaming gone?

So, I'm starting to hit a time in my life that I'm finding it hard to find time for my true passion that is gaming. The love is still there but it seems that between work, school, and friends that I'm not really able to play that much. This is actually quite sad when I think about all the great times that I've had gaming, and how it seems that I might be almost forced to walk away from that. I'm going to try and get into the next gen but I don't know how much I'll actually be able to get into. I mean if the 360 is 400 for the console and 60 I'll have to work more to pay for the games, but that just means I'll have less time to play them. Then there is the Revolution which hopefully Nintendo holds true to their word and is inexpensive. Then I have no idea on my throughs for the PS3. I'm afraid that'll I'll have to choose between the 360 and the PS3 not because one is clearly better than the other, but becaues I don't have the money or the time to devot to 3 consoles. Which is sad to think about because I know that both consoles are going to have must have games on both of them, and I'm going to be torn as a gamer trying to choose which on I truely want knowing that I'm turning down a great game. I miss the days where I could just come home from school and game away the afternoon, and not have a care about how much it would cost me because I had no other things to spend money on. Hopefully things will turn out good for me and choices won't be so hard...hopefully.


My Advent Children Rant Continued...

Ok, so why no Chocobo's? I mean seriously the farm isn't that far away from Midgar...RIDE SOME CHOCOBO'S FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!

Anothing thing. Since when could you use materia to summon Bahamut and have him just stay out and fight along side you? And when has it just been ok to use regular attacks on everyone? Just because you haven't had a reason to use materia doesn' t mean that it's pushed aside until the very end of the movie, and isn't even used because Cloud wants to be a badass. Last time I checked you can't beat the game to easily without using materia...maybe I should try but really the movie isn't called:

Final Fantasy VII: Watch Us Use Handicaps to Beat the Game!!

No, it's called, "advent children." So how about you get off your lazy ass and stop just using regular attacks and summon yourself a CHOCOBO!!!!!!


X-Box 360 vs. PS3 vs. personal conundrum.

Ok, so I've been thinking about this for a while now. Should I get the 360 or wait for the PS3.

As of right now the PS3 looks like it will have DMC4 and MGS4 both of which I wouldn't buy because they're just not my thing. I guess the main draw for the PS3 would be if SQ-E ends up only making FF games for PS3 (and by that I mean the remake or sequel to FF7 or any other game before FF7, because after that those games suck) and also if PS3 catches on like PS2 did then they'll be getting all the smaller companies to develop games for them too, and they'll have a mini third party monopoly (And I hate monopoly btw.)

Now onto the 360. The wildcard of the bunch. It could be amazing or flop. I mean it's just stupid to compare MS to Sega and the Dreamcast, but I mean it's fighting the PS3 so who knows. I mean the 360 looks like it will have some pretty kick ass games, but who knows if it'll continue to have those kick ass games when the PS3 comes to town. Not to mention if Japan will open their arms to the 360, because if they don't then it'll lose out on some pretty awesome RPGs. Choices, choices, choices...

As for the Rev. I know for a fact I'm going to be getting one, but as it's been brought up so many times the Dev's can say all the great things that they want, but they can still make some pretty terrible games. But again that doesn't matter i mean 20 years of games, you can't go wrong there. So that's out of the picture.

So i'm really hoping that MS will reveal something so amazing that I have to buy it now, and the revolution will pick up a lot of third party and get all those fun JRPG's that the PS2 currently has, and the PS3 caters to the GTA, MGS, DMC, and Killzone freaks out there and no just let there be two companies duking it out, because again I hate monopolies...


Final Fantasy: Advent Children...My post viewing rant.

Just got done watching the long awaited video sequel to one of my favorite games of all time and I have to say I'm a little let down. It kinda feels like when I played through all of Chrono Cross, and was left with the, "Well that was fun, but what's next" feeling. The fight scenes were well done and visually it looked great, but I mean I've been waiting how long for this? I hope they don't leave things like that, but knowing SQ-E they probably will. I mean I'm still waiting for my actual sequel to Chrono Trigger, oh and while you're at it make a new Earthbound. I know you have absolutely no connection to that game, but come on it'll be amazing. So to sum it all can make a movie into a game and it'll suck, why do you think if you turn a game into a movie it'll be any better?