This is a common fact about the internet (particularly gamers); that the internet is not a very friendly place. However it has come to my attention that over the years that I have spent using the internet that people are becoming increasingly rude. It is almost impossible for me to go on to Far Cry 2 or CoD4 server without hearing someone cussing out others for no reason at all.
The internet is a rapidly growing place, so that is a factor that contributes to the ever growing amount of rude people on it. However, you would think that as the rude playerbase is multiplying & adding, you will find that the more friendly people are becoming increasingly rare. A perfect example of this is an event that occured 2 years ago when I first purchased Halo PC. I was trying to get the feel for the mouse & keyboard, & I was killed alot. If it was an exceptionally good shot, then I would message "nice shot" on to the public to chat to inform the other player of his good shot, in return he would say "thanks =)". But nowadays, you can't even say "Hi" upon entering a server without some 10 year old making a joke about your mum.
It seems to me that people on the net are constantly on the lookout for a fight, & are always at each others throats. It's a continuous loop, with people trying to impress impress the very same people they insult. Nowadays I find it better not to say anything at all, rather than getting into a verbal fight with some selfish person who doesn't understand why his "haedsh0t" didn't register.
But hear my plea, instead of making the internet a hostile place; try to maintain a friendly attitude, instead of venting out your frustration out on other people. In the end it will benefit you & others greatly, instead of getting you into an even more bitter mood.