i think its good that they took out the tabs for the systems but left them availabe still on the forums page. since they pretty much stopped making games for the gba,xbox, and gamecube it makes sense. it was also wise for them to leave up the ps2 tab, since there are games still coming to that system.strat505
i think its gay that ps2's been out since the dreamcast and they're still making games for it, but gc, gba, and xbox die first :/
Yoshi will win. But Link Pwns all except luigi for some reason......tocool340
LINK WILL RULE ALL TRACES OF LIFE ON EARTH!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... hey wait a minute... that means me too! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but out of Yoshi & Kirby. Yoshi pwns Kirby
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