Ashki / Member

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Ashki Blog

Ugh, what is with the submission people?

I swear, I had three of my submissions denied, I don't know what it is with the moderators around here, but I quoted the quotes exactly, and I think I did the allusions perfect, and yet, they were denied, urgh.

Level 3!

Odd, I leave the site for a few moments to check something, and when I come back, I jump from level 2 to level 3. *Chuckles* Most defently a surprise, makes me wonder how the scores are updated. *Chuckles and shrugs.* Heh, and now, I'm a Soup Nazi, lol, strange.

Who-Hoo, level 2!

I guess the sites just updated, cause now I'm at level 2 with (14%). Now I can post those allusions if I see anymore that haven't been posted.


Don't know if anyones looking at my profile or blog and all, but if so, you can notice that I have a link to a site called SheezyArt. Its an awsome site if you draw fanart of your favorite shows and everything. I myself am not an artist, so I take screenshots of my favorite games, mainly of The Sims 2 (heh, especally since I have alot of Sims from my favorite TV shows, so, if you like what you see, be sure to give me a ring on the site.)


Well, I pretty much got everything set up, and once I get my stats up to Level: 2, I'm going to start writing some allusions that I've noticed that some people have missed.