So I finally got around to download Acclaims latest project a DDR clone/MMO, headed by the one and only Dave Perry. I've been apart of the beta since way before it was even released, but never actually bothered downloading it untill now.
So far it's been kind of hit and miss. It's got a Simple interface, and it lets you choose to play on keyboard, or pad. But doesn't mix the two, which is a very good thing, because they have seperate step charts, and some of the keyboard ones are REALLY nuts. On the other hand though, the Pad step charts are mind-numbingly easy. there are only like, 3 or 4 songs on the max difficulty out of 6 pages of songs. Also, it's nearly impossible to find a game of people playing on pad.
The community is also very hit-and-miss. Nearly all the games are in the "beginner" server, which isn't that bad of a thing, but going to intermediate usually has games with people playing easy stuff, or has some idiot in it that sucks majorly and keeps bugging everyone to turn the difficulty down.
Ontop of all that, the stepcharts in general are pretty much balls. None of them seem to be on sync (As you might be able to tell in my video), and like I said, the keyboard charts are generally pretty good, but the pad ones are stupidly boring.
Anyway, I'm done ranting, just watch the video.