To start it off, I'll just say, I'm glad I have this preordered.
The game is pretty amazing once you get your hands on it.
I've played through the demo 3 times now, and every time I approached it differently.
For example, the first time I played through, I got caught by a security camera. I didn't even THINK about having the ability to hack. Instead I just mindlessly shot all the flying droid things they send at you.
The second time playing through, I just solid-snaked my way past the camera. Shot it a couple times then was on my way.
But the third time, I got caught by the camera again. Hacked 2 of the droids, then hacked the camera, then hacked a turret. The very last section of the demo you get bombarded with 6-10 enemies. I didn't even have to fire my gun.
Game developers are always going, "Its so versatile! You can approach a situation from ANY angle you want!". Which may be true, but this is the first time where running and gunning isn't always the best approach. But it still works. You're not going to be forced to hack every security drone and turret, just like you're not going to be forced to run-and-gun.
You'll be able to play the game the way you want to play it, and so far the balance seems pretty good between, "Should I just run up and shoot the guy?" and "Should I turn everything to work for me, and let them do the work?". Either decision can work.