Ashuku / Member

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Orange boxing

So I picked up the orange box today. I wasn't really planning on getting it for a while. It was one of those things I would be fine waiting on buying...

But after hearing several podcasts pretty much do nothing but say how great TF2 is, even for people who had never played TFC, and more or less everyone I know buying it, I threw the, "5 games for $50!" on my dad, and for a few chores I was awarded with the money to buy it :P

I haven't touched Episode 2, yet. Mainly because I have yet to finish ep 1 (I bought it a while back, but never finished it). But I played an hour or so of TF2, and just finished portal in one sitting.

Impressions for TF2 so far are that it's great. I'm really liking it. It's got a great amount of depth to it, but is easily accessible and fun. I'll keep it at that because I'm sure everyone has heard pretty much everything there is to hear about the game. It's good. Play it. :P

Portal was really good too. Short but sweet, as they say. The humor in it is great, and while the puzzles aren't the hardest to solve, they're still really fun and innovative. I have yet to try any of the bonus maps, but I hope they're a lot harder than anything that was in the regular game.

So yeah... thats about it, gonna go play more TF2.