So, I got my hands on the COD4 beta. I just got finished with my first couple of matches, and they were pretty enjoyable.
So I'll just give a quick pro/con list for the beta so far, then go hit the sack
- Decent selection of modes for a beta
- 4 (I think) maps, despite being under 1gb of space, is nice. It also helps that they're good maps.
- Graphics are good, but I don't think they're totally "holy **** wow" good like a lot of people say.
- Neat effects like if you get hit by a stun grenade, not only does it temporarily blur your vision and deafen you, but it makes moving (aiming and actual movement) REALLY slow. It enables the stun grenades to be very usefull, which I like. My only problem is when your mobility comes back, its instant, I wish it would fade into recovery.
- Level-up enhancements are nice
- More or less Lag Free
- Unlocking classes is stupid. I shouldn't have to rank up just so I can play as a sniper.
- The level-up enhancements, while nice, don't really seem to do that much.
- Kill streaks to call in UAV's, Air Strikes, and Helicopters is functional, but seems like a dumb way to impliment those features.
- I got an Air Strike 3 times, and each time there was no indication as to where any of the enemies were on the radar. This was annoying, but maybe I'm just used to the air strikes in BF2 Modern Combat.
- Auto-Aim is iffy. It's really noticable at times, but other times it's feels non-existant.
- The ranking system doesn't seem to matter right around now
I lead my team, with 3+ people at the highest rank you can get, the first round I played. Either ranking up is waaay easy in the beta, or something is wrong. Either way, it was cool to get 22 kills my first time playing the game.