The Tomb Raider Anniversary demo came out yesterday and I must say, I'm very impressed. You see, I was never into the Tomb Raider games on the playstation. I couldn't stand the controls and I just wasn't old enough to figure out the puzzles. I had played the demo for Legend a little bit, but not much, and was never compelled to buy it.
But after playing this demo I am instantly reminded of why I loved Prince of Persia, and ultimately why I disliked the sequel (Warrior Within). Call me dumb, I don't care, but I played that demo for at least 3 hours trying to figure out what to do. It was in no way frustrating though, and I actually had to find a FAQ on what to do. And back on the PoP subject, that was actually the last game I recall ever having to use a FAQ to complete... and its just the demo. I can totally see the appeal this game had back in the day, and I hope the rest of the game is just as non-linear as the demo was.
So with that said I am definietely buying the game when it comes out, and I will also be purchasing Tomb Raider Legend, because It's only $10 on amazon.
Also, DINO's!
Edit: I was going to write more but kinda got sidetracked.