OK so i don't get to post blogs or Game reviews as often as I'd proberly like here on Gamespot.
Mainly because I've been kept busy with this whole 'Fan Dubbing' thing that i started doing since last year aswell as dubbing alot of original stuff for people on Newgrounds too..
Let me tell you straight off the bat Dubbing is pretty damn HARD. Now you may think that all it is, is talking into a microphone for an hour or something, which it is don't get me wrong but trying to act and match your characters mouth movements at the same time takes a while to get used to.
So i now have a higher appreciation for 'Professional' Dubbing voice actors (even if sometimes i dont like their voice per'say).
Also when it comes to 'most' Flash Animations and original work you have alot more freedom because you don't have mouth flaps to try and hit (thank God!).. But generally it's awesome because you can make the character your own and don't have to worry about trying to sound like the 'Professional' Voice Actor, which alot of 'Directors' of these fan made stuff want you to do when you Audition.
And While I'm on the subect of Auditions. The way you Audition for this stuff is pretty strange and kinda overwhelming at first:
- You need a pretty damn Good quality microphone.
- You need some kind of Recording and editing software (Audicity is free and simple, si just download that.)
- You need alot of free time.
- Quite a few 'Directors' want an Audition in Wav. Format.
- Try to get an American accent down ( this is proberly a personal point considering i'm English. But yeah, it helps!)
- Be Prepared to Audition and for it go no further. For this one i don't just mean get ready for rejection, I mean often you'll get fandubs where not that many people Audition so it the show can't be dubbed and it wont go no further ( this may change as you could easily be asked to double or even trible up on characters).
Of course doing this stuff over the internet is pretty hard in itself I mean, if you get the role you'll get sent a copy of the script with directions next to each line (ex. shout loud like your getting your head ripped off but slow it down towards the end) and either the episode or clip for you to try and match Mouth flaps.
So you send all your lines back to the Director and they either email telling you ''Great Job'' or '' I think you could do these lines better'' and attach a part of the script with highlighted stuff for you to try and redo. Or they keep pestering you on MSN or something to hurry up and fish those lines xD.
There is however expections to this whole process which I've had Great Privilege of doing and that is Skype.
Skype is great because you can have multiple people together recording there lines and playing off of each other and you get some great outtakes aswell XD.
Lastly Video Game Fan Dubbing.
Video Game dubbing is a strange thing because nobody gets to play it because it's already played and all you're doing is dubbing whats happening (much like anime). Now i Haven't done any 'Major' roles in these clips but I have done like some background stuff on Persona 4 and some generic soldiers in Final Fantasy 7..
Voicing Video Game stuff online is more about improving your range as a Voice actor or because you really like the game (Persona 4 anyone?) than doing it for entertainment or something like that.
Currently I'm in the middle of recording stuff for the anime Rave Master and working on my Demo Reel which is great fun :D.
On a Personal note I have been doing some Acting Workshops around my local town and trying to look for an acting school that doesn't cost like £5000 a year!!!!!.
If your Intrested in Fan Dubbing check out the VAA (voice acting alliance).