Hey Guys,
So yeah, i haven't posted a handheld review for a long while and well thats becuase not alot of hand held games intrest me. I figure that alot of hand held games have crappy controls on the PSP or DS like first person shooters, However i have recently bought some RPGS for the hand helds and the only problem i have with RPG hand helds are the stupid side missions that are pointless ( I'm looking at you Crisis Core >.> ) but yeah here's what i got:
Tales of Eternia:
Now the back of the box says the game has ''dynamic real-time combat'' as well as having ''breathtaking 2D graphics'' and contains ''60 hours of gameplay''.
I could proberly tell everyone right now this games does NOT contain 60 hours of gameplay and i haven't even played it, ALOT of games claim to have endless hours of gameplay but alot of it is useless side quests and reading texts -__-.
Well anyway it did get good user reviews so we'll see what happens considering Tales of Vesperia comes out June 30th so we'll see if i can finish it before then :P.
( heres alittle screenshot for everyone :P.
Final Fantasy IV:
A game that i had already played but that was the original japanese inport about 2 or 3 years ago, as it was in japanese i couldn't understand a word of it but i thought the gameplay was pretty well thought out for the NES so im really looking foward to playing in in full 3D.
(Another screenshot for you nice people :P.)
Star Ocean First Departure:
I'm actually a big fan of Star Ocean considering it delivers on what i want from a JRPG which it a cool mithos, intresting combat and some sort of romance, don't ask me why but for some reason i prefer a JRPG to have some sort of romance in it and Star Ocean has that in most of it's games ( guess thats why i put some hate on FF 12 even though that was a bad game xD).
(theres alot of Shiit going on in that one it seems ).