So after years of high Antisipation, Hollywood are finally turning Darren Shans well known Vampire Series into Movies Starting with Cirque Du Freak.
Now after having all 12 or 13 books in the series while i was still at school a couple of years ago I can tell you my thoughts on the trailer seen here:
Of course being only the first books in the series i couldn't tell what kind of direction the movies are going to go...
But for me 2 things stand out:
1. Comedy - From the trailer i could tell straight away it seemed that the movie had a light hearted feel, However (even though i can't comment on the actual film) i think it would of been FAR better if it had done the same thing as the Harry Potter movies and stayed alot darker like the books...
2. John C. Riley - You know the guy from basiicaly all of Will Farrel's comedy's ( Step Brothers) playing Mr.Crepsley.
Again the movie isn't out yet and im fully aware that this movie is ment to be for young adults but seriously????
Now my memopry isn't 100% on remembering alot of what happens in the books BUT i do remember Mr. Crepsley being a strict mentor, Father-like figure to Darren( Main character)...
At the end of the day i do hope that with the later later books they adapt, they make it in the same vain as the Harry Potter books and go alittle more action and Darker oriented but thats just me..