As the title says i've been having alot more fun with Yakuza 3 than with FFXIII...
Well mainly because im actually enjoying Yakuza's story and characters alot more i guess. Kazuma comes across to me as a level headed guy trying to do the right thing.. Where as the characters in FFXIII just seem to annoy me and the fact that Square Enix actually when down the good ol' JRPG clich'e road with annoying little kid characters (Hope and Vanille) just annoys me even more considering the development time the game had.
And although I'm liking Yakuza 3 more currently, it does have it's Issues like it starting of pretty damn slow and loading transitions between fights or major events take a little too long for my liking but my main issue with FFXIII is easily the stupidly cheesy/corny Dialogue!
You can't go 5 seconds in a cutscene without Snow spouting nonsense about how everyone shouldn't believe the Fal'cie but believe in Serah or that Serah is telling us we should fight on and believe in ourselves...
I mean really??????
Of course FFXIII does have some things going for it the stunning Visuals and the battle system, even if it does take about 10 to 15 hours before you don't have to use auto attack.
I guess the reason i'm turning to Yakuza 3 is i'm looking for a way to keep me occupied so i dont constantly keep hear Vaniile and Hope talk >_> and I can't really openly compare the 2 games (which im not) but really i decided earlier that of Resonance of Fate, which is coming out on Friday, is any good then i might even stop playing FFXIII all together...
Please Feel free to comment and Disagree, I really wanna finish FFXIII soon (on chapter 11. 30 hours in) and look back and say i actually enjoyed the game but as it currently stands i'm 50-50 on it.