whatever the hell im talking about.
I just bought me Jak 3. Yeah, yeah im late, so what? I would have bought it when it first came out, but I just decided to wait for it to drop & save me money when I buy it. Cost me $20. Great game so far, just like the other ones. Bought my nephew a Gameshark for his XBOX & PS2. Cost my ass $40. Why in the hell is a Gameshark $20? Makes no sense to me.
Also bought me UFC: The Ultimate Fighter Season 1 on DVD. $30 well spent. Then I bought UFC Ultimate Knockouts 1&2 on a singe DVD for $15. Still, well spent. Wonder how I was able to spent $105 without crying about bankruptcy? I got me a raise at work 2 weeks ago. And I am making some money on the side working at Blockbusters.
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