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AsianGammer94 Blog

Metroid Prime Trilogy Box Art

Wha's up guys. If you are not inform yet the new box art for the Metroid Prime Trilogy is here. Take a look!

Looks so hot. Must Buy. There is a slip cover and under it is a metal tin!

It has a slip cover and under it is the metal case for the game! So Hot! Must buy!


So I'm just a couple of weeks into my suummer and damn I am bored out of my mind!:cry: There really nothing to do in my house! The only thing that making me not bored is Supe Smash Bros. Brawl and going on the Internet. Now since I thought of it if I didn't have any Internet connection or any videogame consle I would proboly die!:shock: This shows people how videogamming and the Internet is important in my life! But anyways I'm trying to find something else to do instead of playing games and spending hours on the Internet but there's nothing else to do. Go outside an play? Its hot like hell. I thought I saw the devil running across the feild!:D Thats why I'm sitting here on the computer typing my thoughts right now!

But hey in a couple of weeks I'm going to Pennsylvania to watch one of my family members get married. So until then I am bored like hell!:cry:

RE5 For Wii?!

Well I don't know about you guys but I been getting pumped up for Resident EVil 5 that shouls hit stires in early 2009 but I just realized that my Xbox 360 broked and I have only a Wii now. I was just wondering if there is just might be a small posibility that RE5 might come out on the Wii. Imean come on RE4 came out for the Wii but nesserily on the day when the game realsed! So I just keeping my fingers crossed hoping that it comes on the!;) If it doesn't than:cry:

Mario Kart Wii!?

I've been thinking about this all summer Mario Kart Wii! I really do want that game but everyone in my house is to lazy to take me out and buy the game! I can't get it off my mind I really want this game! But it seems like I'm not going to get it this summer! Oh well I hope I get it during Christmas though but by that time its going to be an old game.

Sorry For Not Blogging!

I haven't put up a blog post in a cou[le of weeks because I just gout Super Smash Bros Brawl on Saturday and boy is this game amazing! I have been playing 24/7 all day and thats why I haven't been on GameSpot and posting up my blogs! But hey I'm finally back now! I think I should stop playing that game everday because its wasting my summer. Not that Brawl is a bad game is just I should get more active:roll: Anaways Brawl is an awsome game its still pretty fun and better than Meele in my opinion. My favorite charcther I would have to say is Meta Knight and Pickachu! I dominate with those players:D I look forwrd to playing online soon with anyone who wants to play agaisnt me! But I'm just glad to be back on GameSpot!8) I also forgot that I will be writting a review for Brawl soon so check that out will you!:D

My First Elbem! Woot!

Whoo Hoo! I just got my first elbm put in my file:D I got one for having alot of mutal freinds! I don't know what that means but who cares its my first elbm!:D I hope this means there will be more to come in the future!:)

Level Six Baby!

I have finally gotten to level six today! It feels great to b six but I'm still a newbie in the GameSpot world. I've seen people that are a level 40! Man thats pretty high! I hope to become them one day. I also wish to get some elbms added to my profile. Yup that would be great:D

Missed An Elbem

You guys might have gotton it but I didn't. If you people tuned into the TTV for Gutair Hero 3 Live then you get a nice little elbm for you profile. Guess what I didn't watch it! I didn't know you get an elbm for just tunning into when its streaming live. Why didn't they say that you were going to get an elbm for watching it! I'm so mad! The only elbm I have is the regestration one! Oh well maybe nexxt time. Damn you GameSpot, damn you to hell!:x

BioShock Movie!

You guys might hve heard this already but they are going to make a BioShock movie.:D Boy I can't wait fot this movie to come out. Its going to be very interesting to watch and it will defintely be scary. I wonder whos going to play who especially whoes going to play Andrew Ryan. His one of the best villians in videogame history. The best thing about it is that its not directed by Uvie Bowl guy. He ruins games.:x Anyways like I said can't wait for this to hit the theaters! You guys know when its coming?


Now taht GTA IV is out and it looks like everbody has a copy, I'm over over here getting mad. Why because my Xbox 360 got the RROD just before it got out. This was totally what I was not I hoping for. I mean this sucks your 360 grts the RROD just before one of the biggest games ever is about to come out:cry:
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