Assassin_Knight Blog
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
As most of you already know Fable 3 is out or coming out, I'm not sure which cause I plan on getting it on PC. Anyway i have some sort of thing, so I can't play Fable 3 unless I play Fable 2, so yeah. I don't own a Xbox 360 and im tempted to get one so Should I or Should I Not?
Review For Fallout: New Vegas
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
Ok as title says this is my "Review" for Fallout: New Vegas
So Fallout: New Vegas begins with you obviously, you were delivering a "Platinum Chip". It is valuable so valuable the person who sent you (who I dont know) sent 5 other decoy Couriers (You are a Courier).
So someone wants it, you have it, they dont wanna think about the details. They catch you, shoot you in the head and get the chip and head back to New Vegas.
And I know what you are thinking, "Shot in the head, and lived?" Yes,yes,and more yes, you lived thanks to a convient robot named Victor with a "Cowboy"-like personality, and a local doctor. Now to find out who did it, how to get the chip back (You are a very serious and determined courier), and possibly how to kill the people who tried to kill you without them getting a robot and local doctor to revive them.
So that's the beginning...yeah
Now for the review.
Comaparing this game to Fallout 3, its better
You now have "true iron sights" AKA you actually use the scope correctly instead of pushing your face next to the gun.
Companion System is somewhat better, but like Fallout 3 companions, Fallout:New Vegas companions are hard to find/get. I myself only have 1 companion
In this game, you talk more, its not like The Capital Wasteland where mutants are everywhere, Las Vegas was one of the places that didnt get as nuked as the rest of the US or World im not sure which,Think about it. Vegas? city of conmen, you would kinda expect to be able to talk your way out of stuff.
Major factions outside of New Vegas? Those would be the NCR(New California Republic), they got money, got guns, and somewhat got soldiers. Then there is the Legion, barbaric guys and girls who are trying to be like Romans i guess, they kill/slaughter for reasons like they are better, you are sinful. Basically a faction of religious fanatics. At a local prison a riot broke out so some outlaws are loose.
Major factions in New vegas? Plenty. First, Mr. House, the main guy, the original guy with the plan for New Vegas, and the guy you were supposed to deliver the "Platinum Chip" to. Pissed off? No, he isnt he understands your situation so yeah.There are so many more, i swear each casino in New Vegas is owned and guarded by a different "Family".
Oh yeah. A "Family" is one of three Families. These Families were and still are i guess,the people Mr. House picked as muscle and helpers for New Vegas. I dont know all of them.
Another thing added and I know I am very random in putting these things in, I just put it in as i remember.
So yeah another thing added is Reputation. NCR and Legion are mortal enemies. So if you help Legion, you will probably lose Reputation with NCR. Lose enough Reputation, its a "Shoot on sight" situation. This goes the same with some towns, not sure about them shooting you though, im not evil/hated enough to find much.
Gambling. Yes there is, but currency is kinda weird, cause NCR is trying to re-establish paper currency, So now we got that, and Legion has a kinda coin money which i cant spell, and of course Caps. 1 Cap equals 1 Chip to play with. And for NCR money, like a NPC told me, $100 NCR is roughly equal to about half of that in Caps so 50 Caps, for Legion I have no idea.
So that's about it. If I find out more and deem it reviewable Ill edit this and yeah itll be in here,
Ill try to do these reviews for new games I get
Some other things added I just remembered
Modifications. You can now modify some weapons not all but some.
Voice Acting. The voice acting for New Vegas is A LOT better. Instead one like 1 of 7 voices for males according to age, each character has a somewhat unigue and individual way of speaking. It can be different for each person, like having a deep quiet voice, or a loud chatty one, or speaking in a constantly-sarcastic tone.
Ok i finished the game, I barely did any non-main quests so there is that, so about 48 of playing for just those quests.
By the way, its like Fallout 3, you cannot play once you finish the main quest
Update #3
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
well another update same as the others im bored but my friends showed my this one video
check it out
Update #2
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
Yeah another update thing so yeah
1. Im trying to be more active
2. Got Mass Effect 2 and finished it
3. Mass Effect 2 has a Collecter's Edition which is the one i got
Thats about it i think
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
Yeah uh quick updates
1.Im really bored so if you have any games in mind tell me.
2.Saw Avatar...its a good movie
So yeah thats about it
I'll be even more inactive
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
my bro is going to college soon and im getting a new computer so until i get it ill be gone...only reason im writing this is cause its on my friends computer
I'll be inactive
by Assassin_Knight on Comments
Since school started ill be inactive i might log on once and a while.
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