I bought a Bose Wave Music System today and WOW! I'm still amazed at the sound this thing puts out. It's just not natural. The sound is incredible. I bought the additional CD changer so that I could hook my 360 and PS3 into it. Good stuff.
The only thing I don't like, and this is a minor, minor thing, is that you cannot fine tune the sound settings (like up the bass, lower the treble). It's not a huge deal but I live in an apartment so it would've been nice to down play the bass a bit. Bose recommends listening to the Wave System at a volume of 80 ~ 85. So far I haven't been able to turn it up past 35.
Overall... Very happy I bought it and sorry I waited so long. If you have $800.00 sitting around waiting to be spent on a new stereo I would look into this little piece technology. Don't let the size fool you! Check this thing out. You will not regret it.