I played it 6 times. So, I enjoyed it a lot. But it is short (as Obsidian does state) and since it was the last game published by Obsidian as an Independent - I imagine no more DLC. Its up to Microsoft to allow Obsidian (since they are Now owned by Microsoft) to release any future DLC's for Outer Worlds. But I'm sure they moved on to a slot of new microsoft games.
Liked Dune when it came out in cinemax wide screen in theaters. But, it did have Sting, P Stewart and many other famous people in it and it was awesome. Hope the release the old Dune in 4k as well as Children od Dune in 4k DVD. But, hey, I'm game. Can not wait to see the new adaptation of Dune in super max 3D.
I liked the mass effect series. I liked Andromeda and was hoping for a follow up. There was the 1 message on a terminal that referred to mass effect and that was it. The only problem I had with Androm was the followers were emotionless. Mass effects Garrus was the best, Legion should of been in it from the beginning, they were all excellent followers. their conversations between them was entertaining. Andromeda seemed to loose all that.
Nice, Hope the re-master also has PC contoller support for Crysis. Will buy it again if it does. (My old Gamepad controller program won't work with win 10 anymore)
pre-loaded this on xbox 1, looking forward to this game. Obsidian should add something like Settlement building like in FO4. Does not look like there will be any DLC's coming for a while (if any). Oh, sorry I had to pause vid because I did not want to see any spoilers before I started the game.
Its great that Outer Worlds (Makers of the great FO New Vegas) is being released. Star Field will now have to be a lot better than Outer Worlds. As for being on the next consoles - don't really matter, the tech is not changing that much. True most will be cloud based which makes it all online only. If they add SSD drives then that would reduce load screens but unless they go 128 bit the tech and OS is pretty much the same just a little more bells and whistles.
AstroGazer's comments