So here's my laptop specs.
2.1 ghz intel CORE 2 Duo
4 gigs of ram
300 gigs hard drive *(just throw that in for the funs)
ATI 4570 512 mbs of V-mem
Now I know some of you might go "mmm. that proc might be a bit slow compared to what you could have" or, "nmmm that video card isn't exactly a 4XXX"
Well, here are some facts before that. I got this laptop for free. Yeah it was just given to me. I had an HP laptop with a 3 year warranty. 3 years went by, and HP increased my warranty for free, when my laptops mother board broke, seeing as the model line had a faulty mother board (And some people hate HP.) So with that extra year, it was 4 years in total (just so you don't have to do the math, I know I know no thanks needed). Anyway, it broke again for the 5th time, so the tech guys at the store said, "Ok it broke too many times we are going to give you a new laptop." and so..yeah there it is.
Now that the back story is out of the way, how long do you think it will last? In terms of playing games. Right now it plays crysis at medium-high. Sometimes need to switch things down during some area's like the snow areas in crysis warhead, but it's usually not that bad. I'm going to be building my own pc in a bit, this actually saves me time though, but still how long do you think it will last.
If anyones interested on what I traded in for this laptop, well my old one had.
1.9 ghz turion X2
Nvidia 7200 GO 215 v-mem
120Gigs hard drive
2 gigs of ram.
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