From today my booty is: some clothes, a cool fountain, a calendar, some slippers, a heated blanket, some good incense and a burner, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Midieval II, a very expensive paperweight, Motor Storm, and Guitar Hero 3. Overall thats a nice haul adding it with some more spendable cash and certificates. As a plan to go out and buy I would be inclined to purchase the new Katamari game, a nice minfridge, some books, Red Alert bundle, Diablo bundle, and some PS3 games.
I think I got strep again, which makes it twice in three weeks, my throat is swollen like none other and it hurts something viscious. I have been having absolutely horid headaches and eyes that itch to some ungodly extent to couple with that and a constant feeling of fatigue.
(Addition begins here)
I decided waht Blu-Rays I wanted for the PS3 rebate: The Prestige, Full Metal Jacket, The Devil's Rejects (the only movie I knew by name in that category), The Patriot, and Hart's War (see last parenthesis.)
So today in the shopping spree I had: I went and got my throat culutre done and I do have strep, but since it has been under a month since my last infection they have to overnight the culture just to make sure; after that I went over and activated my new phone; than I went to Best Buy and got a minifridge, Diablo I, Diablo II, and the DiabloII expansion pack, and Oblvion Game of the Year Edition (which includes Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles; than I went to another Best Buy to get Red ALert 2, the expasion pack for Red Alert 2, C&C Tiberian Sun, the expansion to C&C Tiberian Sun, and C&C Renegade (which I doubt I will ever play to be honest); and finally I went over the the bookstore and bought three more Cthulhu Mythos antholgies, Office Space, and This is Spinal Tap. Overall it wasquite a good day, and now my room cvan be ugraded to the status of apartment.
Other than that i don't have much for news. As for the tiny blogs, hopefully they are out of the way for a while.