i dont get it
by Atillite on Comments
call me lazy, call me apathetic, call me whatever you wish. I dont see the point in ding unessicary works simply to appease people. By this i mean that i can do no homeowrk (in thus show no confirmation of concept ideas) and yet show above and beyond applied laerning (ie: high test scores, daily usage, continuation of comprehension). When i am sincerely confused about a certain dohicky then sure ill put through some effort. When the teacher is incompitant and cannot actually teach a lesson, then sure ill do it to get the idea. But when its totally unessicary to do anything at all i see no point in wasting my time to up my "grade" in the end it only matters what you know. In thus the school grading system should be revised ad accomadate all peoples to their abilities. Maybe im just a communist or socialist then... o well, theres my thoughts, gimme' yo' penny.