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I'm Still a Little Angry About It

So I'm asumeing you all know I own Oblivion game of the year edition which includes Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, both very cool expansions. Anyways a while ago I went to Bethseda's website and decided I would buy all the other official expansions besides horse armor, because my guy idoesn't need a horse when his abse speed is 93, has an athletic skill of 78 and has several items that increase both. I went ahead andpaid and everything, and I prepared to have some awesome new homes to add to my "house in every city" collection.

I eagerly opened the confirmation email and saved the expansions to my hardrive than went ahead and tried to activate them. about 1/10 through the activation a message popped up and said something of the matter of critical installation error and than the whole process immediately canceled. I tied a few more times and then went back to the website to find that there is a very enigmatic warning to "64 bit Windows users and Vista users"

Anyways, not being able to find it, the warning ended in saying something like "please do not uninstall the installer." Needless to say I was a little bit ticked of at this moment and I send an email to Bethseda's support. Luckily unlike many other support teams Bethseda gave a quick and personalised response, or at least simulated personalization. Anyways it said there is a fatal error for "Windows 64 bit and Vista users," although i had already stated I had Vista. The solution of which he spoke of was to purchase the CD versions of Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. I had said i already had those in my version. But appaerntly they don't even mention the opportunity of a refund, which really blows. (Although i may have sounded a bit offensive towards Bethseda's support, I actually very muched liekd them in comparison to other support groupsI have contacted.

Anyways that all happened a while ago and theres the complete story at least for Scott's sake. In other enws I have been getting into TF2 quite a lot, I went back and beat Red Alert 2, and I went back and at least got the final fight in HL2 EP2. As for the Oblivion stuff, I still really want some mods so It would be great if anyone can tell me of some good mods and where to get them, I doubt any of you would know though sadly enough, please tell me.