Well last night I was surfing through the (hopefully) last of my new updates from E3, I watched the Bioshock video (still impressive) and then I found myself coming across Gears of War for the PC, after a few clicks I found myself watching the ENTIRE 86.5 MINUTES OF THE MICROSOft E3 CONFERENCE, anyone who knows me knows that there will be very few situations when I will waste an hour and thirty minutes, and much of theat time was watsed during the showing.
So afterwards I thought about the shear number of supposedly great games coming to the 360. May I ask too much? With over 12 $60 games coming out in the next few months and many more features from XBL at about $10 a share, will this run people ragged? I can barely manage to keep track with my goal of getting Deadrising, Crackdown, and Oblivion (which I can get for free if I play my cards right), and now I have to worry about how to shell out what money I can get on about 5 or 6 games worth getting in the next 6 months! thats about the same amount of money as buying a new Xbox! that is just ridiculous, how can any budgeted gamer try and get his share of the goodies?
I am currently looking foward to (this list is off the top of my head like the last one so bear with me) : Bioshock, Ace Combat 6, Assassin's Creed, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, Katamari, and a RPG, the most likely culprit being Mass Effect, and in the arcade there are a couple of games worth getting too, but those are up to question for my tastes and needs. Now this holiday season I am looking to find myself a nice new PC desktop, but with all these games I have no idea how to manage getting myself a computer which I direly need!
I just feel like I'm in a tiffy now, I will keep my wallet pinched and my mind strong to only buy the games I will enjoy ad not the ones that lure me in (Halo 3, and Call of Duty espicially), although If the PC works out Hellgate will be a must. Add that to the amount of games I need to get through that I casually buy, games like Secret of Mana, Mega Man Legeneds, Breath of Fire, Etc.
I guess I will be in a rut since this Fall I will also be exceptionally busy...
Anyways in Modern news, I will be going ou of town with Lafiette next Wednesday and I will come back that following Saturday, Morrowind isa very rudundant game when you don't follow a goup or the main quest and just find the best of the best equipment (only a few more things to go!), and I find myself bored more often... O yeah! and last week (Monday-Friday, 9A.M.-3P.M.) I was at a Lacrosse camp, and I got really weird shapped tans and burns, but the experience was good and I am surprisingly good for having just picked up the game fully.
Thats all, you can rest your eyes now.
Well my cousin stopped by tonight and finnaly returned my PS1 and lended me fallout and fallout2 for the Mac in exchange for my burned fallout for the PC and Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG. Anyways I couldnt help but immerse myself in Fallout 2 and I have been emersed for the last four hours...wow its already been four hours... anyways the Land Before Time playing the the background is distracting, and I am in need o futon rest recovery... gonight
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