First in this crazy cog of chaos that also turns the wheel of coincidence, I bought Call of Cthulhu the other day, this much was previously stated. Secondly Peter's and H.P.'s birthdates are today, which was coincidental back in the day when this was discussed. Thirdly Oblivon pays patronage to Cthulhu Mythos.
I had seen this in the past, and left it in the back of my head hibernating. Little did I know It was actually a clear reference to the short story. would Clas$ please open your cases and insert oblivion. In the quaint town of Hackdirt, which is invovled in the quest for the trader's daughter in Chorrol, which is located between Chorrol and Kvatch, there is a church in this ruined town. If yo have heard the stories of the town and talked to the locals you will find them unfriendly and... off. Now eneter the previously named chapel and look at the book on the alter, the book is the "Bible of the Deep Ones" and it references runes, this is a clear refereance to the short story, but wait there's more, After dark (before you complete the quest) crazed people from hackdirt suddenly attack you (another reference). There are probobly more similarities but I'm not far enugh in the story to identify them, still its a nice little subliminal easter egg, by the way the book is pretty pricey at 90 gold.
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