snowy here
by Atillite on Comments
yep good old kc... never snows here EVER, but this ear appears to be an exception. Its surprising that we have had about 5 large snows already when we occationally get one good snow. As you can see it is very good for ye old school boy. Most of the snows were plowed before anything was canceled but this paticualr snow was not like that. with a day of rain freezing to ice under three inches of snow we were able to finally take a brea and being that tommorow isnt going to be a serious day of school that makes me happy. I vote to call this week slacker week. so now me and my brother can do anything we care for today which will proboly include some guitar hero, some animal crossing ww, and maybe some getting of xbox live, maybe. Well so far we have stated the guita hero nonsense ending n a pissed off mood of failing jordan on expert hyper speed and going to get some eats while i had earlier missed the ufo with my slingshot for the second time (first was last june). i might consider picking bak up fallout but knowing that my computer designated for gaming is shot i might not. so, so far the tournoment is still on, i am going to do nothing for the next two days, and im still going to make that dammed video blog with laffiette when he comes over on thursday. and yeah, i thought i would explain the game choices for the banner. The gears of war being my current play, the bioshock being the furture and the fallout and C:SotN being my two favorite games that i can remember. anyways have a nice day to all you who are without the white powdery goodness.