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the 10 demensions

on a certain forum a guy ut in this video (sorry i dont do hyperlinks)

and my resposne was this (i decided to put in the whole reponse)

"well figureing that mathematically there are infinate deminsions (but physically that is questionable) then there could be infinate realities. but in the point of view contreversy there are as many as there are links betwen events and now, in thus there are infinate possibilities to have a point of view

my personal view is that the 11th demnsion (the connecting of infinaty and ssomething else) conencts physicality to mentality, and with mentality there are other exisances such as spirituality. in so we are both 3 dementional and 12th demensional creatures. for in the 12th demension we can traverse through each line at any givne time (if not simoltaneously)" 

and so on the 13th demension could be escribed as reality (added just now)

btw im also still open for game suggestions