1. FAR better celebrations for breaking records, winning divisions, winning big games/comebacks, winning championships.
Honestly almost ALL sports games have sucked at this for DECADES now..even games in other genres as well.
Do game developers just feel we like spending hundreds of hours playing these games, then have some cheesy static screen or BLAHHH animation of players just bouncing around on mound for like 15 seconds? So I just played 162 games and REALTIME months of the game FOR THAT? Such a huge letdown.
How about distinctive celebrations for each team?? How about some wilder celebrations for teams in cities that havent won in a while (whether real or in your particular franchise play)?
Game developers have skimped on endings of games for YEARS now and really poorly when it comes to sports games.
2. Add more pitch varieties. Here are a few:
a.Instead of just sinker...add HEAVY sinker ala Kevin Brown, Jack Morris of 80s and 90s.
b. Add the Greg Maddux type "swingback" fastball that he patented in 90s. The 2 seam fastball is close if ya tweak it right with certain pitchers and delivers, but still not the same as Maddux's classic pitch. He just flat out baffled dudes for nearly 20 years with that mid 80s speed pitch. The Screwball also isnt the same as that pitch, though ya can get it close enough if ya tweak the speed/break/delivery with certain pitchers.
c. Make the knuckleball more effective in the game. Its almost worthless in its current state.
d. EEphus pitch - why not
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