So this weekend was my first time BOOSTING. Gears of War 2 had this special 25x experience deal for this Labor Day weekend. The reason behind the 25x EXP was that fans would have to add Gears on Facebook(I'm always on my facebook) and for every 1000 fans they would +1 for the EXP(so it came around to 25).
I started on friday just playing regular matches like wingman and execution, working my way up quickly, the slow and righteous way. But on saturday a couple of my friends were already nearing the 80s margin and I knew about boosting in the past but never investigated how they worked. I joined their party and we went to social matchmaking to do 25x EXP by making the opposing team walk in and out of the hill so that each time we captured it we would get 200+ points, for EVERY second of the 120second time you have to control the team. We would swtich at 118 seconds for the other team to go in the hill and our team would walk in and out the hill to give them 200+ for each second of the hill. Basically for one game of king of the hill you'd get close to about 10000000 points. Because you'd get about 110 captures, multiply that by 200, then multiply that number by 25. I ranked up from 66 to 100 in about 8 games.
It was weird experience and I doubt I'll ever do it again, unless Gears 3 has the same thing going on... LOL
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day, I just came back from the Labor Day Parade here in Brooklyn, NY. Representing for my Haitian people around the country/globe. Enjoy and have a good night - I'll be on XBL til I pass out from the drugs wearing off ;-)
- Rock.