What an amazing chapter.
For those that haven't read it yet: here.
The chapter to shut everyone the hell up, great from start to finish.
The best parts again were the character interactions between the alliance and Naruto on the battlefield. It's first time they've been together in combat since the retrieval arc. The cliffhanger(which I don't know why anyone would say: "WTF" for) wasn't much a surprise but it did indeed get me hype.
Chapter was so good it had the Seven Swordsman battle to shut up those naysayers, they know who they are.
I give it a 10/10.
Lots of action, drama, suspense, and my favorite: character.
Speculation for next chapter - With the reveal it throws off my previous prediction that we'd see the Jinnchuriki battle. Most likely that fight will be next, but only after we see the new summon talk awhile. Flashback galore coming soon - especially for you know who.
- Rock.