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New York Comic-Con 2010 Week

New York City Comic Con 2010 is upon us, and by us I mean - Comic Readers. This Friday the city will be drenched in comic, games, and movie news it's going to be awesome. I haven't blogged in about a month so I'm going to use this to update what's been up with me.

September Briefing:

  • Bought Halo: Reach and spent many many hours in the Multiplayer (haven't touched the Single Player pass the first chapter)
  • Konan is dead and Madara now has the Rinnegan. It was touching to see that Yahiko and Konan were an item, but it felt rushed and nothing was brought out of it - Too little Too late. Now I'm hoping to see more of Sasuke, because Naruto is so powerful right now. Oh and PLEASE make use of the other ninjas, I haven't seen Kiba or Shino do anything since Shippuden started.
  • Aqualad has finally revealed himself and this wednesday (October 6th) I get the fight I've been waiting for since Brightest Day Issue #1.... AQUAMAN vs. BLACK MANTA!!!
  • I got in touch with this girl I had the greatest sex in my life with. We were supposed to hang out but I ended going out with this 40+ year old woman I met up with whilst drinking with my friends.
  • My pen-pal Ryan from S. Carolina who was living in Japan for awhile has moved to Brooklyn and now we regularly hang out and smoke.
  • I didn't get my hands on the Red Dead Redemption Liars and Cheats DLC, but I will this month.

And that's about it for September, it was a weak month. Other than Labor Day and Reach, nothing too spectacular. October is going to be awesome as many DLC, comics, movies, and parties are coming up.

Rockstar just announced that they're going to have a preview for "Undead Nightmare" DLC at Comic-Con, which I'm most excited for. I'm planning on getting a new Aquaman shirt for the event, but really wish I had money for a costume, oh well. I'm going to go back to playing Reach and Red Dead - I'll frequent the blog more as I'm in a writing mood all of a sudden.

- love, Rock.